Harley Wiring Diagrams

I got this book around summer 89 at Freedom Cycles in OKC off of Robinson from Dale and Oil Can and its crusty but still a must have thats never left my possesion. It has all kinds of great great info and I can't count how many times I have rehttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifferred to these wiring diagrams. If you are looking for a great christmas present for a friend try and find him one of these. Its worth it! Great Illustrations from one of my all time favorites Robinson that are classic and entertaining writing from the Easyriders staff of the day. Seriously get this manual.

Easyriders Tech Tips and Tricks

74's with 2 Brush Generators

Magneto Systems with 2 Brush Generators and Regulator and Battery

Magneto System with Regulator and 2 Brush Generator

74's with a 3 Brush Generator

Electric Start Sportsters

12v Electric Start

74's with Alternator Magneto Kick Start

74's 1970+ Alternators

6v 2 Brush Generator Magneto with Battery