DTMC Party

Whew! BCM Chris and I rode up to the DTMC's annual shindig in Chopperopolis this weekend. We split Friday morning and made good time to Bass Lake. I tried to imagine the infamous run in HST's book, but instead it was just us two old fat dudes drinking around the campfire and not raising much hell. The lake was gorgeous of course and we were stoked to be there the same weekend as a wooden boat festival of some sort. We woke up late Saturday morning and tooled up the twisties to Copperopolis, with a quick stop at the Sportsman in Sonora for a cold one. The highways up in this neck of the woods are the world's finest and we caught perfect weather and reasonably light traffic. The party was good and the 'Traps were generous hosts, thanks guys. I'll post up a little slide show of the bikes from the event later in the week on Chop Cult. We blasted straight home today in record time and both bikes ran great the whole time, no drama at all. Thanks, Chris!