Chumps are some of the easiest bars to fall in love with. The dimensions are spot on for comfortable ergos. Nick sends in these pics of his Sporty, the first I've actually seen with Chumps. We've sold a lot of these to Big Twin dudes (I run 'em on my FXR) who want something lower than Apes but with a fair amount of sweep and no chopper styling kinda look, but this is the first XL I can remember.
I asked Nick about cables and brake lines since we get that question quite a bit. Before he put the Chumps on, he was running Gen 2 Friscos, and he said his stock wires, throttle cables and brake line all worked with no mods. When he switched to these new bars, everything fit but the left (clutch) side was pretty tight. There you go Sporty dudes, cheap 20 minute upgrade...